Category: Location

Edmill Party Web Banner

Transition accommodation service celebrates successful first year, despite pandemic

A year ago the Fantella family was feeling a mix of nerves, excitement and tinge of sadness as their eldest daughter, Amber, prepared to leave home for the first time. Twelve months on her parents,...

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Nathan and Gateways Job Quest at Cafe Bear and Scoobs

Job Quest empowering adults with a disability to build work skills and confidence

A new employment program for adults with a disability is to be piloted by Gateways Support Services. Job Quest has been developed by Gateways to empower adults with a disability to build their work skills and confidence in a safe...

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Howard and David Commnwealth Home Support Program

Trust and companionship at heart of seniors program

Long games of Scrabble and a shared appreciation of Western movies are the much-anticipated fixtures of Howard and David’s weekly time together. When they stop talking, that is.  Howard’s wife, Dorothy, often returns home to...

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Archie Early Intervention Therapy Playgroup Jan21 Banner

Therapy playgroup a confidence booster for families of children with autism

Kate had all but given up on mainstream playgroups for her youngest son, Archie, when she learned about Gateways Early Intervention Therapy Playgroup. ‘I’d had such bad experiences with typical playgroups because they made me...

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20 years on, volunteers Maria and Andre keep giving

It was the search for a volunteering role that could involve their children that led Taylors Lakes residents Maria and Andre to become Interchange Hosts. Two decades on, the couple consider they have grown their family rather than become volunteers.  Maria first learned of the Gateways Support Services program (then Interchange)...

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Casa Swv Straightened Banner

Custom built houses on the way for Gateways clients

The ball is rolling on three new developments to be built next year under a partnership between Gateways Support Services and Specialist Disability Accommodation partner DPN Casa Capace.  Representatives from DPN Casa Capace joined Gateways on a...

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A club for school kids seeking like-minded friends

Rihanna is a people person. In fact, when asked what she would like others to know about her, the 10-year-old responds, ‘That I like meeting people.’   But making connections and keeping up with peers at her mainstream primary school is not easy for Rihanna, which is why social groups like Club4Us...

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Off To School Blog Post Banner

Off To School help after a bumpy kinder year

Kindergarten plays an important role in preparing children for school. So when that preparation is disrupted – as has been the case during the COVID-19 pandemic – youngsters with additional needs can be left behind.  Registrations have now opened for Gateways Support Services’ Off To School...

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Gateways Place Graphic (6)

A PLACE to call home – Gateways Support Services lays out its vision for inclusion

Our new home has a new name! Gateways Support Services staff and Board took time considering a name to best capture our vision for the sprawling North Geelong headquarters. It is a vision firmly focused...

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Untitled Design (4)

Seasoned Gateways Interchange Host Program Volunteer urges others to get involved

Seeking support for her own family led Nicky to open her heart and home to other families in need. That was eight years ago and now the Sunshine woman is urging others to consider volunteering...

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