Category: COVID-19

Fiction With Friends building social links for kids during pandemic restrictions

Amid the unpredictability of COVID-19 a creative new program is helping kids with developmental disabilities build social skills and confidence from the comfort of their homes. With lockdown measures in place, Gateways Support Services Occupational Therapist, Ben and his team were brainstorming ideas to continue to engage kids in group...

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Muriel crossword Commonwealth Home Support Program

In-home senior visits keep loneliness at bay during pandemic times

As an older person, the social restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic hit Geelong resident Muriel particularly hard.  She was not allowed to visit husband Ted, who lives with dementia at a nearby care facility, unable to make her regular...

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Australian Apparel manager Stephen Long wears the Geelong manufactured PPE gowns

A two-way street as Gateways Support Services helps a local manufacturer during COVID-19

When the initial threat of a COVID-19 outbreak hit, disability service providers across the nation were scrambling to source personal protective equipment to keep their staff and clients safe. So were many other sectors, which made finding sufficient...

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Ceo Message Covid 19 Update April 2020

An update on western Melbourne restrictions on Gateways’ services

As restrictions ease in many areas, I hope you have been able to safely enjoy a return to some of the activities and people you have missed over recent months.  Here at our new North Geelong...

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Ceo Message Covid 19 Update April 2020

An update on your Gateways supports as pandemic restrictions ease

You will have seen updates to government advice around  COVID-19 along with some easing of restrictions. I hope this has meant that you have been able to catch up with friends and families or at least...

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Gateways Support Services Online Cooking

Online cooking classes for teens and adults continue as restrictions ease

An online activity with fringe benefits is how one family describes Gateways Support Services online cooking classes for teenagers.  Ashton’s mum, Michelle, says the group – set up for participants during COVID-19 isolation restrictions –...

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Stefan online recreation banner

Stefan’s new normal beats the lockdown blues

When the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown began midway through March, Stefan felt like someone had turned the lights out on his entire life. Now the lights are back up, thanks to Gateways Support Services moving participant activities...

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Ceo Message Covid 19 Update April 2020

Setting the path to post-pandemic recovery

We’ve been in this together for some time now and while our ability to be physically with you is limited, our commitment to continuing our supports for you and your family have not wavered. As...

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Ramadan Farhan

We spoke to members of the Gateways family about observing Ramadan during COVID-19

Ramadan – the traditional month of fasting – has begun, with people of Muslim faith around the world having to adapt their traditional observance in accordance with current isolation restrictions.  During Ramadan, Muslims fast between dawn and dusk, to practise sacrifice, self-control and...

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Girl Dancing At Home

Gateways recreation goes online to boost social connection in isolation

Western Melbourne adult participants usually meet up with each other in person to go on exciting recreation camps and day trips around Melbourne.    But since we’ve all needed to bunker down at home during the COVID-19 pandemic,...

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