Category: Community participation & respite
A club for school kids seeking like-minded friends
Rihanna is a people person. In fact, when asked what she would like others to know about her, the 10-year-old responds, ‘That I like meeting people.’ But making connections and keeping up with peers at her mainstream primary school is not easy for Rihanna, which is why social groups like Club4Us...
Support means James can join friends on camp for the first time
James loves his mum. But having her come to overnight camps in case he had a night-time seizure took some of the fun from this special time with friends. Now, with the right support and...
A PLACE to call home – Gateways Support Services lays out its vision for inclusion
Our new home has a new name! Gateways Support Services staff and Board took time considering a name to best capture our vision for the sprawling North Geelong headquarters. It is a vision firmly focused...
Seasoned Gateways Interchange Host Program Volunteer urges others to get involved
Seeking support for her own family led Nicky to open her heart and home to other families in need. That was eight years ago and now the Sunshine woman is urging others to consider volunteering...
Self-care for parents of kids with a disability
Emergency protocols stress the need to take care of ourselves before attempting to help others. But this critically important piece of advice is often overlooked by parents of children with special needs. For all parents,...
In-home senior visits keep loneliness at bay during pandemic times
As an older person, the social restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic hit Geelong resident Muriel particularly hard. She was not allowed to visit husband Ted, who lives with dementia at a nearby care facility, unable to make her regular...
You asked, we listened: new programs for 16-20s
When Andrew turned 18, he was as keen as ever to participate in supported recreation groups but his interests didn’t match typical adult programs. So when he and his family heard that Gateways Support Services was starting two...
‘I’m so proud of myself’ – Robbie’s successful move into independent accommodation
For the parents of children with a disability, dreams of their son or daughter’s independence can be tenuous. So, it was no small celebration for Mandy and Tony when their son achieved his goal of moving out of home in March. Robbie, a Gateways Support Services participant of almost thirty years,...
New bike track for North Geelong to boost wellbeing for children with disability
A new bike track is to be built at Gateways Support Services’ North Geelong site, thanks to the support of the Give Where You Live Foundation. The bike track will give children with disabilities the...
Online cooking classes for teens and adults continue as restrictions ease
An online activity with fringe benefits is how one family describes Gateways Support Services online cooking classes for teenagers. Ashton’s mum, Michelle, says the group – set up for participants during COVID-19 isolation restrictions –...