Overcoming roadblocks through Support Coordination services

Overcoming Roadblocks (1)

At Gateway Support Services, we understand that gaining independence can sometimes be a journey filled with obstacles, especially when it comes to something as significant as obtaining a driver’s license. That’s why we’re here to provide the guidance, support, and care needed to navigate these challenges with confidence.

Overcoming challenges with compassion and care
One of our clients faced several barriers on the road to independence, particularly around driving. The process of completing an Occupational Therapy driving assessment can be daunting, especially when it requires modified testing environments to accommodate individual needs. But with the right support and dedication, we worked with our client to support them to make what seemed impossible, possible.

Imagine the joy of our client who, after overcoming these challenges, proudly earned his full license! The very next day, he drove himself to his programs with sunglasses on, music playing, and a sense of achievement that was shared by all. This moment wasn’t just about getting a license; it was about reclaiming independence and confidence.

How our Support Coordination makes a difference
Our Support Coordination team was there every step of the way, linking the client to specialised providers for driving assessments and lessons. We arranged for the necessary supports during testing at VicRoads, ensured vehicle modifications were in place, and assisted with the lodgement of documents with the NDIS.

But our support didn’t stop there. We also helped source and identify the documents needed to obtain a learner’s permit and driver’s license. Our care team coordinated meetings with allied therapy support, ensuring the client had everything they needed to understand the testing material and application requirements. From completing paperwork to making payments, and even handling health reporting if necessary, we were dedicated to supporting the client to succeed.

Our team is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment where every client can achieve their goals. Whether it’s obtaining a driver’s license or any other milestone on your journey to independence, we’re here to guide you with unwavering dedication. 

If you’re interested in this learning more about Support Coordination, contact our intake team on 5221 2984 or email intake@gateways.com.au