Gateways Auxiliary Hosts Successful 20th Annual Charity Golf Day

Gateways Golf Day

The Gateways Auxiliary celebrated a milestone with the 20th Annual Charity Golf Day at the Barwon Heads Golf Course on Friday 17th May. Despite the less-than-ideal weather, the event was a resounding success. Eighteen teams took to the greens, competing in an 18-hole stableford format.

Despite the occasional shower, teams were determined to make the most of the day, driven by the shared goal of supporting a worthy cause. Read more.

The event featured a range of door prizes and an auction, featuring a range of amazing items donated from within our community. Both activities generating additional funds for the cause.

All proceeds from the day went towards the Edmill landscaping project.

In addition to the funds raised on the day, the event received a significant boost from the Ducas Paul Foundation, which generously donated $10,000. This contribution was a highlight of the event and demonstrated the foundation’s commitment and ongoing support for Gateways.

The Gateways Auxiliary extends heartfelt thanks to all participants, donors, and volunteers who made this event a success. Your support and generosity are deeply appreciated and will make a lasting difference in the lives of many.


Harwood Andrews

Albrecht Jewellery

Maxwell Collins

Moore Australia

Garners Heritage Wines

Adroit Insurance & Risk

Your Nursing Agency

Coulter Legal

Peter Gates

Phil Shay

Mactier Family

Wendy Oliver & Rainer Breit

Geelong Insurance Brokers – $10,000 hole in one sponsor



Napona- Will Swinton

Bruce Renick

Darrell Fraser

Katrina Jeremiah

Ashley Andrews

Gates family


Pivotonian cinema

Kareena Bowd – A Treat4 me

Bellarine Veterinary clinic

Wendy Oliver & Rainer Breit

Michael Albrecht

Whyte Justin & Moore

Mactier Family

Ben & Penny Collins- Locos & Coffetti

Garners Heritage wines- Rosie Garner

Flowergate flowers- Sally Roydhouse

Shayne Sullivan- Geelong Natural therapies

Grovedale Quality meats – B & J Wilson


Ducas Paul Foundation – $10,000 donation


Image (98) (5)Team Albrecht

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Team Hardwood Andrews

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Team Moore

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Team Rosie Garner

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Team Phil Shay Img 0450

Team Peter Gates
Img 0455 (1)Team Maxwell Collins

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Team Your Nursing Agency Img 0461

Team Wendy Oliver