Survey shows high satisfaction despite challenging year

Newsletter Banner March (2)

An overall service satisfaction rate of 95 per cent show Gateways continued to deliver on its mission despite a challenging year, according to feedback from our latest annual user survey.

Thank you to the more than 300 service users, including participants, parents and carers, who took the time to provide this important evaluation and feedback.

“The staff are extremely dedicated and understanding of our needs.” – parent survey feedback

Despite the difficulties created by the pandemic during 2020 – with lockdowns and corresponding service changes – Gateways participants, families and employees demonstrated extraordinary resilience, flexibility and adaptability.

Feedback, while predominantly positive, also reflected the frustrations caused by service changes due to COVID-19. But we are pleased and grateful to see that this did not result in any changes to service user’s satisfaction. We thank you for your support, patience and understanding as we navigated this uncertain time.

Results of the survey included:

  • 94% of people feel supported by the staff, coordinators/team leaders, managers and other Gateways staff,
  • 8 in 10 people said they, or the child or adult they supported, had achieved, or were on track to achieving, their stated goals,
  • 93% of repondents feel Gateways respects their rights, or the rights or the child or adult they support, to make choices,
  • 9 in 10 respondents stated they would recommend Gateways to others.

“How well they understand NDIS, the clients and how well they match providers to client needs. Just fabulous.” – participant survey feedback

Parents, carers and participants provided wonderful feedback and comments that we look forward to sharing in coming months, describing our services as respectful, friendly, helpful, dedicated, supportive, committed, passionate, professional, understanding, knowledgeable, competent, genuine, reliable, customer focussed and approachable!

Wow! Thank you all very much for the amazing feedback and survey results and well done to our amazing staff who make it all possible.

You can provide feedback at any time via our website.