New Wheels Drive New Opportunities

New wheels drive new opportunities for people with disability and high support needs
Enjoying community activities is something many of us take for granted, but for people with a disability and high support needs, just getting out can be a challenge. This barrier is being tackled with the addition of a new wheelchair accessible bus at Gateways Support Services, which has been funded in partnership with the Commonwealth’s Stronger Communities Programme.
Gateways was invited to apply for funding by the Federal Member for Corio, Richard Marles MP, and this week was lucky enough to take delivery of the modified vehicle and begin putting it to use, transporting young people and adults with high support needs to activities in Gateways’ skill development and recreation programs.
“One bus can create so many social and learning opportunities for participants accessing our programs.
The new bus provides safe transport to activities and helps people with disability and complex needs to have a full and active life. It’s vital that we enable people of all abilities to get out and about and make the most of our community”
Gateways CEO, Rosemary Malone
The Stronger Communities Programme is an initiative of the Australian Government and is designed to deliver social benefits by funding small capital projects in each of the 150 federal electorates.
Pictured (left to right): Gateways CEO, Rosemary Malone, Richard Marles MP, Danny Dianna, Gateways Support Worker Kane White, Gateways Individual Support & Recreation Manager, Bronwyn Sizer.