Lego Therapy helping kids with a disability further develop social skills

A love of Lego is a great starting point for this innovative small group therapy program for school aged children with a disability, which will be running in Geelong over the Easter School Holidays.
The Lego Mates program is designed for 8-12 year olds with a developmental delay or diagnosed disability who attend a mainstream primary school and have solid cognitive and language skills but need support with social / emotional learning.
Lego Mates is based on the Lego therapy model, play therapy and social thinking models to promote children’s social interaction and learning. It allows children to practice joint problem solving, planning, listening, social thinking and communication skills. Therapists facilitate each child’s active participation in pairs and within the small group setting (6-8 children).
The program consists of 4 sessions, each session made up of two sections – 45 minutes building sets with instructions and assigned roles and 45 minutes for group play using Lego creations.
The total program cost per participant is $772.27. Children require funding through the NDIS for a therapy group.
To register please download a Registration Form or to find out more call and ask to speak to our Therapy & Inclusion Support Manager on (03) 5221 2984