How do Code Red Fire Warnings affect Gateways?

With our summer ahead the Fire Season starts as well.
During the Fire Season, the Fire Danger Rating will feature in Weather Forecasts and be broadcasted on Radio and TV and appear in some newspapers.
In Victoria, the highest fire warning on the Fire Danger Rating Index is referred to as ‘Code Red’
The Red Cross “Bushfires: Preparing to leave early” plan has been developed to assist vulnerable people prepare and plan for bushfires, including helping them identify personal and community support networks. This is available at or or through the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667.
If a ‘Code Red’ is declared Gateways Support Services will cancel most services incl.:
- Respite for all clients
As well for clients living in Bushfire risk areas respite services will be cancelled on Extreme Days i.e. Airey’s Inlet, Anglesea, Barongarook, Barwon Downs. Breamlea, Carlisle River, Deans Marsh, Forrest, Jan Juc, Lavers Hill, Lorne, Nelson, Peterborough, Steiglitz and Wye River.
- Therapy Services for all clients living in Bushfire risk areas, see above
- Recreation, Holiday & Community Access Programs and Social Support Groups. Boost4Kids will be cancelled as well on Extreme Days
- Interchange volunteer program
- Support Coordination / Case Management for all home visits
- Day Programs incl. Social Connect
- Gateway House (for incoming clients only)
Services that will continue to run as planned include;
- Supported Accommodation (Adults, CAYS & TCP)
- Gateways House (clients already onsite)
- Support Coordination / Case Management support by phone/email
- Therapy – only if living in urban Geelong, Warrnambool, Melbourne, Colac, Hamilton & Portland
If a Code Red is declared, please be aware of these program/service cancellations. They are in place for your/your child’s and our staff’s safety.
If unclear/not sure about service provision, please call the Gateways office or the on-call manager.
Wishing you all a safe and happy summer!