Autism Success Story…Jayke’s Journey
When Jayke was around 15 months old, his mum Diana started having some concerns about his development, when he wasn’t babbling like other babies his age. After seeing their Maternal and Child Health Nurse, GP and then a paediatrician, Jayke was referred to Gateways for an Autism assessment where he was diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum shortly after his third birthday.
Typical of a child on the Autism Spectrum, when Jayke first came to Gateways, he had significant speech and language delays, became extremely distressed and anxious when things changed and had complex issues with eating food.
“Jayke could not use words to communicate so he mostly screamed and pinched to express when he was unhappy. He had large meltdowns in the home and out in public, especially in shops which he didn’t like,” his mum Diana said.
Following his diagnosis, Jayke started receiving early intervention services from Gateways Support Services in Geelong, firstly through our Stepping Stones Program and then our Early Learning kindergarten Program.
“When Jayke first started at Gateways he was very clingy and that took a few months to overcome. He was a very picky eater and always refused to eat with the other kids or be anywhere around them at snack time.”
“With the persistence of the staff they finally encouraged Jayke to sit down at snack time and even have something to eat. This was a huge goal for us as we could then take him out with other kids his age and know he will be comfortable to eat with them.”
Since starting Gateways ELP kindergarten program where he received support from Gateways Occupational and Speech Therapists as well as trained kindergarten staff, Jayke’s communication skills and behaviour both improved.
“With the help of his therapist and staff at ELP he has definitely come a long way. He has learnt some key signs and also shows a lot of eye contact when trying to get his communication across.”
Jayke, now five, graduated last year from ELP and started school earlier this year. He is enjoying school and loves listening to his teacher read books during story time as well as getting more hands on with painting and drawing, all activities he used to avoid.
“Gateways have always been there for us whenever we needed help with difficult situations with Jayke’s behaviour and we are truly appreciative of that support.”