Celebrating International Women’s Day

On International Women’s Day Gateways CEO, Rosemary Malone shares a little about her role and what continues to motivate her:
International Women’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate the opportunities that women like I have to be a CEO of a disability organisation, leading 440 staff to support 1500 people with disabilities in this time of change and challenge. We celebrate achievements like new services for people in great need, new flexible service options and awards for excellence.
However what really counts is striving every day to make a difference in the lives of children, adults and families who we support:
One day this means reassuring a dying mother that we will support her family to care for her child with a disability.
Another day we will be talking for the first time with a family who have recognised that their child’s development is not following the normal milestones, and providing advice about how they can access the supports they need.
It might also mean listening and helping families to consider different service options which might suit their needs.
At times it can mean searching for other options when a family can not keep on caring for their family member any longer.
Or it might mean supporting people dealing with an emergency.
On a good day we will be celebrating the sporting, artistic, social, work achievements or skill acquisition of the people we support.
It may also mean working with others to strengthen community understanding and support.
It is always about respect and equal access to opportunity for all members of our community. I could not think of a more satisfying role.